Neuro Innovation Research

Any innovation ever created came from the brain. Start here when you are looking for building your own innovation.

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Neuro Innovation Research

Innovation starts at the CEO

No matter how big your enterprise may be, without a mandate from the CEO, innovation will never happen -
under no circumstances.

Neuro Innovation Research

The solution to a problem is only the beginning. Turning it into a global success needs the brain in very different capacities.

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Neuro Innovation Research Lab

Applied neuroscience to advance peoples’ ability to be more innovative.

1) Neurocentricity

The place where ideas get created is our brain – let’s start there.

The only place where ideas get created is in our brain. When trying to understand innovation, this is the first place we need to look for any fundamental understanding. NO NO NO – you don’t need to become a neuro scientist. You don’t need to become an computer scientist to use your laptop or smart phone. But there was a time in you life where you learned the fundamentals. You most likely did not learn how to develop a spreadsheet application, but how to use one.

You don’t need to become a brain expert to read a cad scan of your brain but it is very helpful to know how ideas get composed so you can use it in that way. There is no extraterrestrial magic. Your brain is simply an organ – and the most powerful you have. The brain is not a muscle but you can stimulate it and train it similar to a muscle. Here we go: Know how your brain is stimulated and you make a quantum leap in ideation and innovation.

Neuro Innovation Research Lab

2) Neuro Ideation

How it actually works

Breakthrough Innovation are never just random ideas. We humans actually drowning in ideas, still we are hunting ideas like lottery wins, despite a chance of 1:140,000,000. Breakthrough concepts arise from recognizing very big challenges, problems, unsolved situations…  And because most people don’t trust their brain we don’t take on big problems. The big irony is the fact that solving a big problem is by far easier than having a big idea. 

Idea or solution, for the brain it is the same: ideas get created by merging past experiences to a new virtual experience. If you never had an experience with lexicrypt you can be the most creative person ever lived – you cannot create anything with it, for it around it… This limitation is at the same time the biggest discovery we made in innovation: “If we can imagine it, we can make it” this saying is old and we always considered it a motivational speech. But it is 100% true. This is the basis for neuro ideation and later it turns even into a full neuro innovation process.

3) Innovation Talent development

Every profession needs a talent to become really good

Who can be a great innovator? Who can be a great Doctor, Baker, Manager, Engineer, Physicist, Hairdresser, Artist, or Carpenter… the person who understands their talents and follows what they are gifted with will become successful – no matter what profession. This is equally true for innovation team members. The so-called cognitive abilities that helps somebody to become successful are different for every profession. People also call it the different “wirings” in our brain. In our research, we identified 8 special cognitive abilities innovation teams need. And they are the same for startup entrepreneurs or people who are solving highly complex problems.

Neuro Ideation with AI-driven Neuro Innovation
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