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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

Genuine versus pseudo innovation

Innovation Leadership Series | Online events

Genuine versus pseudo innovation

Because most larger corporations are not achieving any breakthroughs yet, terms like incremental innovation, gradual innovation, or architectural innovation have been formed to not look too bad. But let’s be honest – that is an equally terrible excuse for not being innovative, as having an innovation center that is more like a playground than anything else.

In this webinar, we will jointly face the innovation reality.

Every day you accept that incremental innovation is ok to start somehow in the innovation space, you not only lose a day but your team is weakening their career and the market loses interest in your innovation effort.

Online Event


Wed. Nov 9, 2022
09:00 – 10:00 GMT (UK)
10:00 – 11:00 CEST (Europe)
16:00 – 17:00 ICT (Vietnam)
17:00 – 18:00 SST (Singapore)
18:00 – 19:00 KST (Korea)

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Even if you can’t join now, you may want to register in order to get the recording.


* Genuine innovation is always a breakthrough. Hence a disruptive or breakthrough innovation.
* Incremental innovation is a misleading term for improvement, which is far from being an innovation.

It’s time to make some clear definitions and some clear decisions.
1) What describes a breakthrough / disruptive / genuine innovation?
2) What does it mean to go after a real innovation versus improvement?
3) What are the economic, organizational and strategic differences?
4) How is innovation a business strategy and improvement just a normal activity?
5) How to start becoming genuinely innovative and start going after breakthroughs?
6) What is the impact on the team side, leadership, board and capital markets?


  1. Knowing the basics to decide what is right for you.
  2. Consider innovation as a business strategy
  3. See what it takes to become genuinely innovative with what you already have
  4. Working on pseudo innovation is a huge risk for any innovation manger’s career
Genuine versus pseudo innovation

In this webinar, Genuine versus Pseudo Innovation we will jointly face the innovation reality.

Every day you accept that incremental innovation is ok to start somehow in the innovation space, you not only lose a day but your team is weakening their career and the market loses interest in your innovation effort.


  • Innovation Executives
  • Innovation Team Leaders
  • Innovation Managers
  • Innovation Team Members


Speaker Axel Schultze about Genuine versus pseudo innovation

Axel Schultze
CEO BlueCallom

Speaker Philippe Theiss about Genuine versus pseudo innovation

Philippe Theis
VP Innovation Services BlueCallom

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