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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

Innovation Services

Our Implementation, Training, and Services Overview

Innovation Services Overview

Implementation Programs

1) BlueCallom Kick Start Implementation Program
Everything you and your organization need to know and be trained on to get to breakthrough innovation within six months.

2) BlueCallom Implementation Extension Program
If you already use BlueCallom, you may consider other departments using it too. Adding more licenses is very easy. But you may want them to go through the same knowledge transfer and training program. You can do that with your own team, which is already trained, or let us do it for you.

3) SMB Implementation Program
For smaller businesses, we offer a complete implementation program tailored to the needs of an SMB.

4) BlueCallom Enterprise Implementation Program
This is a full-size, multi-team, strategic implementation program. It involves executive strategy meetings with the perspective of an enterprise-wide rollout.

Guided Innovation Program

If you want us to accompany your innovation team on the innovation journey, our experts will work with your team on every step of the way.

This program is divided into three separate phases. Each phase can be purchased separately. The boundaries are the completion of the separate episodes in the innovation journey.

Additional Education Programs

You can select between individual programs, also provided as part of the respective implementation programs.
1) Individual Workshops to kick off an innovation engagement
2) Different team and management training

Additional Services

This includes independent Innovation Readiness Assessments, so you know how ready you are. Assume there is no business ready.
The other service is an incubation and hatch program that helps develop a strategy, process, timeline, and budget to incubate an innovation team inside your organization and plan to farm it out to be a legally separate entity.

Way to start

Let us first share our experience

Innovation is the most difficult job
Enterprises around the glob struggle to get to a breakthrough innovation. Despite the support of major consulting firms, the results are meager to say the least. Since the inception of every enterprise, teams, consultants and managers are used to manage improvements, have development and research departments. Without improvements companies were sooner or later out of business. Innovation is a very different beast. In essence you start everything from scratch and most are neither used to or willing to do that.

Innovation Experience
Our founders founded four disruptive companies. Ok – that was each and every enterprise one day. Then they helped startups with no innovation to get to innovations. Thanks to neuroscience they learned how our brain composes and handles disruptive moments and the creation of disruptive ideas. Today they help enterprises do what is necessary to get to breakthrough innovation. And not only at some time but within six to nine months. Now we can empower teams to repeatedly get to breakthrough innovation.

Let us show you how we do it
We suggest having four different, one hour workshops where we share our experience, how we do it and our experience with our customers. Those workshops are free and have the purpose to let you know how we get to breakthrough innovation and whether this is a path you want to go too.

Innovation services Implementation

Innovation Services Implementation
© BlueCallom Corp. 2024