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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

Neuro Innovation Management
Built for the Big 4 Innovation Types

There are four innovation types that need different approaches, different methods, have different financial or operational impacts, and call for a different innovation team composition.

Product & Service Innovation

Focused on the product and Service side. This is the classic way to innovate and the most obvious to be recognized by the market. However, it is also the easiest to copy and to quickly outperform.

Experience Innovation

The most effective way to innovate, only recognized by users and communicated through advocacy. Experiences include general customer experience all the way to entire entertainment solutions: Very hard to copy and easiest to create a marketing buzz for.

Business Model Innovation

The most successful way to innovate with a big impact on the industry. Typically goes hand in hand with an experience innovation. Very good to have advocates create a marketing buzz. The hardest way for the competition to copy, even to compete with.

Organizational Innovation

Innovation within the organizational structures, mainly for process acceleration, customer experience, resulting in increased profitability. It is tough to copy (if not done by consultants), making it very hard to understand from the outside and even the inside.

Find out how the BlueCallom Neuro Innovation Management Solution supports the big four innovation types.


Product Innovation vs. Organizational Innovation

A product innovation that addresses a specific market or customer segment usually needs a different approach to innovation opportunity discovery than an organizational innovation. On the surface, it seems to be similar, but on the product side, we have product experts when it comes to building and using. In contrast, on organizational innovation, we have processes and operational challenges. Besides, there are often underestimated leadership, skills-related and adoption-related challenges to overcome. Innovation ROI is relatively easy to calculate on the product side and more complex on the organizational side. Moreover, disruptive innovation brings publicity, while organizational innovation brings un-noticed competitive advantages. Product innovations need to get more attention on the Intellectual property side, while organizational innovation requires more attention on the human relationship and talent side. A product innovation usually replaces older products or creates new behavior. Organizational innovation is to be implemented within the organization at “run-time,” knowing that other processes’ interwoven network needs to be well understood.

Business Model Innovation vs. Organizational/Product Innovation

Unlike organizational innovation or product innovation, a business model innovation is partially hybrid of those two, yet very different in its nature. A business model innovation can be part of product innovation, but that co-existence is definitely not necessary. Likewise, a business model innovation can go hand in hand with organizational innovation, but also, there is no necessity to be part of each other. Business model changes can be made for existing products and/or existing organizational structures. When the first razor company decided to give the razor away for free and only sell the matching blades, it disrupted a global market. Competitors had been forced to either follow the model (making them a follower) or make substantial investments in significantly better razors. The disruptor just changed its pricing structure. In the past 20 years, that mechanism became part of startup disruptors. Whether it was the media industry, vacation rentals, taxies, electric vehicles,  coffee, and hundreds of others – the business model innovation changed entire industries. The big challenge for the competition is that successful business model innovation is mostly a complex structure, made super easy for customers but virtually invisible for others. Even today, roughly 10 years later, the completion in the hotel industry, media industry, the automotive industry has not understood at all what and how those disruptors do their business.

Experience Innovation

Experience innovation is more geared towards customer experiences and general experiences such as theme parks, new entertainment, travel experiences, and more. Unlike product innovation, where things disrupt a market, or business model innovations where the way industry segments conduct their business gets disrupted, experiences are more complex. Experiences need to be mapped to the audience’s psychographics and dreams, requiring far more creativity. Since experiences are the base ‘material’ for all innovative ideas, experience innovation needs the most advanced ability to compose new ideas from not yet realized ideas to be truly disruptive.

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