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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

Event Recordings


#13 – Innovation is a CEO mandate

Broadcasted Oct 21

Together with Innovation Thought Leaders from Johnson & Johnson, S-Three and BlueCallom.

In the past 25 years, the vast majority of groundbreaking innovations were delivered by startups. The economic risk for an enterprise getting disrupted is substantial.

Axel Schultze, CEO, and Founder of BlueCallom joined by Christian Weh, Senior Director Innovation & Global Projects for Johnson & Johnson, and Luuk Houtepen, Director Strategic Partnerships & Innovation at SThree, will discuss what enterprise leaders can do to move from an improvement paradigm to an innovation paradigm and avoid getting disruption through others. Also, they will explore how to upskill your teams and what a professional innovation team needs to do and know to deliver groundbreaking innovation? Moreover, what does the executive bench need to know about capital requirements, market preparation, and organizational adjustments to become genuinely innovative?

Innovation is rarely just a new product; it is always connected to different experiences, business models, and customer interaction models.



#12 – Creating an Internal Innovation Culture

Broadcasted Aug 12

An innovation culture can be found in countries, in regions, in companies, in families. And wherever it is, it has evolved based on some initial successes.

 The Silicon Valley innovation culture was allegedly sparked by Robert Noyce, one of the Intel Founders. And as it evolved different subcultures evolved, where the company culture at Oracle is rather different from the one at Tesla. And those cultures are very different from the cultures at Siemens or at Samsung. Many innovation cultures had been stimulated top-down but not all. There is also a growing number of internal movements to become more innovative and embracing innovation from within.

#11 – Successful Innovation Centers

Broadcasted May 20

Is there a potential exodus for some innovation centers that produce only improvements but no innovation? What do the most successful innovation centers do differently? By speaking with roughly 100 innovation executives in Europe and the US, we recognized a very high level of frustration over their own innovation centers. Get some insights into how most innovations had been created from a process point of view, what needs to happen to create such circumstances, and how success can be measured.

#10 – Innovation KPIs from 10,000 data points

Broadcasted April 8

BlueCallom’s Deep Innovation Design method is structured to generate more than 10’000 data points in any given innovation project and creates the richest KPI framework in the innovation space. The critical factors in creating disruptive Innovation include Innovation Depth, Market Validation, Time to Innovation, and ROI. In this webinar, you will learn how to leverage large numbers of innovation process data. The data then help manage an innovation project for economic success.

#9 – The Strategic Value of Open Innovation

Broadcasted March 11

Today, companies need to be innovative and adaptable in order to achieve the ultimate goal of sustainable competitive advantage. Open innovation is one of many approaches to achieving this strategic goal. In this webinar, we discuss the perceived risk of open innovation in the context of protection, how to find the right partners, and the benefits of engaging in an open innovation strategy.

#8 – Innovation Team @ Work

Broadcasted Jan 14

Innovation teams around the world work very differently, but why is it so hard to find a good rhythm? In this webinar, we share some of our most important findings on building an innovation framework and assembling your ideal innovation team. This session will inspire you to rethink innovation.


Thought Leadership Series

Thought Leader Series for Innovative Minds

This online education program provides insights into the key aspects of Deep Innovation Design. It ranges from Innovation Strategy Development, the actual composition of groundbreaking ideas all the way to scaling the innovation delivery in global markets.

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Ingenuity Cup 2021 | Pitch Presentations & Award Ceremony

Broadcasted June 22

On June 22, a global community of innovative minds came together virtually to support and evaluate the next generation of innovators. Throughout 40 days, innovation teams utilized the Neuro Ideation method and Deep Innovation Design Model to completely redesign the act of innovation. The results, groundbreaking innovations that were never before imagined and will completely disrupt their respective industries. Teams presented their innovations and it was up to the judges and the public to determine who won the prestigious Ingenuity Cupthe cash prize, and the opportunity to compete for the 2025 Space Award.

Imagination turns into Innovation | World Innovations Day 2021

Broadcasted Apr 21

Let us celebrate ingenuity and creativity – the biggest difference between humanity and robotics. We may get to nearly 100% automation; industrial automation, office automation, and any other repeatable job. By then Ingenuity and Creativity will remain to be our biggest assets. Let’s cultivate, develop embrace and seriously enhance our most important talent.

Certified Innovation Manager Orientation

Broadcasted Jan 7 and 18

Introducing the BlueCallom Innovation Management Academy. In this webinar, we discuss  how innovation will shift from randomness to professional, the new methods leading to data like no other in today’s innovation space, and how BlueCallom’s academy certificates will play a key role in your innovation career.

Announcing BlueCallom – A radically different Innovation Management Software

Broadcasted Nov 25

We wanted to know what it is that makes some people amazing innovators. Close to four years of research led to an astounding and never expected result. We would like to invite you to the official start of BlueCallom. We will share our findings and more importantly how it led to a groundbreaking innovation of the act of innovation itself.

Neuro Ideation Introduction

Broadcasted Oct 15

Tapping the secrets of the mind, unlocking the human potential of innovation.

Once we found out how our mind composes and processes innovative ideas, it changed everything for us. Today we are set to disrupt the act of innovation itself.

In this webinar, we kick off a new era of innovation. We shared the latest neuroscience discoveries with you that allowed us, after four years of research, to find out how the mind composes and processes highly innovative ideas. Our founder and CEO, Axel Schultze, put everything into context. He talked about new methodologies, far beyond brainstorming and how the burst of innovative ideas can be processed in an entirely new software solution.

BlueCallom technology provides innovation teams with the fastest way to groundbreaking innovation and turning it into revenue. We showed you how your innovation teams can unlock true disruptive innovation (not just improvement).


#6 Deep Innovation Design Process

Broadcasted Nov 5

The age old riddle of how our brain composes and processes ideas is solved. The question is now, how can we leverage the new way of innovative thinking and access those features the brain provides us like muscles in the physical world. Neuro Ideation is at the core of the Deep Innovation Design process. We will share with you how we can stimulate – even play with some features of our brain like a football players with their ball. We will share some of the key neuroscience discoveries and how we can processes results with a newly developed Computer Aided Ideation system (CAI). Because we all know – only what we can measure we can manage and that must be true for ideation as well.

#5 Idea Validation

Broadcasted  Sept 3

You and your team developed a great idea. But is it really great? Is it worth investing millions just to find out, the market didn’t respond as hoped? Every Innovation Team needs to find out even BEFORE you get into expensive prototyping. Consumers are intelligent enough today to read a drawing and eloquent enough to tell you whether that is a dream solution or just yet another improvement of an existing product. Asking the right questions, sharing the right vision, asking the best possible candidates and understanding what they say is the key. You will learn how to conduct a idea validation at ground zero.

#4 Innovation Dream Team

Broadcasted August 6

As always, it takes teamwork to make a dream work. And big dreams need dream team. Here we are sharing the bet possible team composition, we talk about the necessary diversity of the teams and the trap of expert teams or mono cultures in the innovation team. Innovation Dream Teams have an entrepreneurial spirit but not necessarily entrepreneurs. We explore the top traits of an innovation team and the experiences they will need to have. You will learn why skills are not a key selection factor

#3 Organizational or Market Facing Innovation

Broadcasted July 4

Innovation is not necessarily always a new product or new business model. Organizational Innovation has usually the same impact on customers than a new product. If painfully long waiting lists, difficult order processes and difficult service operations all of a sudden change to a radical new experience and saving customers time and headache, such an organizational innovation is as valuable as a new product design. Those Innovations could also lead to business model innovation which usually is difficult to compete with. We show you how.

#2 Innovation Opportunity Discovery

Broadcasted June 4

With today’s understanding how the brain creates ground breaking ideas, the Deep Innovation Design Model denotes the end of random experimentation and introduces innovation on demand. Still, it is critical to know, where to invest your innovation effort? How do you discover areas, where innovation is desperately needed, which are the open doors for anybody to disrupt? The newly won freedom to innovate at will need to be directed to strategic areas of your business. Let’s us share with you best practices and new methods.

#1 Deep Innovation Design Intro

Broadcasted May 7

We show you how the brain creates and processes ideas. No – we won’t make you a neuroscientist, and we don’t suggest any drugs :). After four years of research and following some of the most advanced neuroscientists, you probably have read about our discoveries. In this webinar, our founder and CEO will be putting everything into context. We explain the methods we created and finally the tool that will allow executives for the first time to fully manage innovation projects.

Sorry – for the length. We collapsed the learning from 4 years into a 1 ½ hours knowledge transfer.

© BlueCallom Corp. 2024