Career at BlueCallom

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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

Career at BlueCallom

A dream job or nothing

What we do

We empower the world’s visionary to deliver breakthrough innovation within six months. We deliver a unique neuroscience and AI-driven innovation framework and software. Our solution is guiding innovation teams through an entire multi-year innovation life cycle. The system aggregates tens of thousands of data points and provides managers with the most advanced innovation KPI-Framework. All administration work is delegated to the BlueCallom AI guidance system – freeing up additional creativity.

To implement that solution we have an Innovation Services Team helping executives create a holistic enterprise innovation strategy and attract qualified innovation team members. We are also providing innovation leadership and teams with workshops and training to be able using BlueCallom and create breakthrough innovation within six months.

Customer Profiles

BlueCallom customers are market-leading enterprises with thousands of employees and have an early adopter mentality. Within those enterprises, we work primarily with the CEO, Chief Innovation Officer, VP of Innovation, Innovation Managers, and teams. A Career at BlueCallom means you will want to work with the most demanding people to create your future.

How we are different

  1. Amplifying ingenuity and creating breakthrough innovation
    We looked at Innovation from a neuroscience point of view. We need to understand how the brain composes ideas before we can even start thinking “innovation”. Today we amplify ingenuity by order of magnitude and empower teams to create breakthrough innovations at will.
  2. Providing Executives with unparalleled innovation predictability
    Approximately 90% of all innovation attempts fail. We decided to bring the failure rate down by making innovation success predictable. To do so we developed an AI-driven KPI-Framework.
  3. Drastically removing administration
    Today, corporate innovation teams spend far too much time on administrative work. We developed an intelligent design (AI) that manages most administration, scheduling, time management and most importantly reporting automatically in the back-end.
  4. Working harder, smarter and more
    99% of people would consider it impossible to empower a large part of the population creating disruptive innovation, becoming creative above average, solving most problems we have on earth no matter how complex they are. We are determined to do just that. A Career at BlueCallom is not a walk in the park – we look for people who prefer a huge challenge over a nice job.

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© BlueCallom Corp. 2024