How we think and work

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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

How we think and work


BlueCallom empowers the world’s visionary to deliver breakthrough innovation within six months. Unique neuroscience and AI-driven framework and software guide innovation teams through an entire multi-year innovation life cycle. The system aggregates tens of thousands of data points and provides managers with the most advanced innovation KPI-Framework. All administration work is delegated to the BlueCallom AI guidance system – freeing up additional creativity.

To innovate far beyond today’s imagination, we need intelligent tools. Very much like we built tools to overcome our physical limitations. By understanding how our brain behaves when composing exceptional ideas, we began to find ways to augment our intellectual abilities with stimulation.

Today BlueCallom is building breakthrough technology to empower teams leveraging their brain for groundbreaking ideas. We are pioneering the conversion of technology and neuroscience.

Yet we haven’t even touched the level of innovation our brain is capable of. The future of work is no longer repeatable jobs, paid bad and dissatisfying, but jobs that unfold the human potential for ingenuity.

How to make it real

We are looking for exceptional people to help make the vision a reality. While many startups work their way up, some of the biggest challenges need to be solved by enterprises. Technologies, as it comes from SpaceX or StarLink, have been tried by startups but could not get done. Developing protection system to prevent large asteroid impact, new vaccines against all kinds of aggressors, crafting completely new education systems, architecting the next financing system, ways to handle tectonic shifts in a way that life is not in danger and many other challenges may be done by startups but maybe not. The brainpower of an enterprise is significantly underestimated. We at BlueCallom can help enable and empower enterprises, midmarket companies, startups, and even individual brain trusts to develop ideas we only dreamed about. But when we can dream it we can make it.

To make all that a reality we are looking for exceptional minds to join us and build the future that is only in our dreams.

Vision and Focus
Culture is what a group makes it culture


Culture played a defining role in becoming who we are today, including all the different cultures we have. We respect those differences and never argue about another culture. Our culture is built on our founders’ history which is influenced by the Silicon Valley culture. Culture explains the way people work together but also what unique abilities and results they want to be known for. Most of the cultures in nations, regions, companies, and even families are shaped by togetherness and what they want to achieve. Also, our leadership principles are an indicator of our culture. The BlueCallom Culture can easily be explained by a few hashtags:

#Openminded #Respect #Tolerance #Passion #Team #Empowerment #Communication #Engagement #Performance #Results.

BlueCallom’s Eight C Culture

How we think and work with curiosity


Curiosity is when we know how our customers work, what their pain is, what would excite them. It’s important to be curious about what science has to say and what experts could help us find a solution. To be curious one would need to deeply engage with the subject.

How we think and work with courage


Courage is when you try to make a change for good against all odds. We reward courage, no matter whether it is failing or succeeding. The only failure we cannot accept is not even trying. To make a difference always requires courage.

How we think and work with clairvoyance


Clairvoyant is a rarely used term but a great way to explain an ability that has no other word. With clairvoyance, we mean that far-sighted instinct with fast decision-making ability to see a new opportunity.

How we think and work with confidence


Confidence is not about convincing others but transforming facts, ideas, or visions into a realistic message or model that others can work with. Weak ideas or unsubstantiated concepts will never appear as confident.

How we think and work with creativity


Creativity is the talent to connect many unrelated experiences in our brain. Every human has that ability. Some have developed it further, some not at all. Creativity requires first and foremost an open mind. Unique solutions need creativity and our team needs to unleash it.

How we think and work with collaboration


The ability to collaborate helped the human species to survive. Respect, Tolerance, and Trust are key aspects of a successful collaboration. As a team, we can only achieve extraordinary results as long as we collaborate.
#Team, #Respect, #Tolerance

How we think and work with communication


One of the most significant advantages of being human is communicating thoughts and constructs of new ideas. Every BlueCallom team member needs to be communicative, no matter in what position.

How we think and work with continuity


Continuous and relentless execution is what makes dreams a reality. No matter whether it is something big or something small. Getting it done is what counts.

For more details, please visit “Cognitive abilities to groundbreaking innovation.”

Leadership Principles

(1) Unconditional Customer Focus

Customers are our partners not legal entities in a buy and pay battle. Customers are also the starting point of our innovation development method. Customers pay your salary and every resource. As long as we deliver the highest possible value at a reasonable price we can maintain market leadership.

(2) Responsibility is something you won’t be given unless you take it.

We all have to decide and judge to step in and take care of something that is not taken care of. Responsibility is the ability to respond with adequate action. Business success is taking responsibility in any situation that needs a response. A hierarchy is an information and execution flow – not an excuse for not responding.

(3) Personal Success is being bold enough to do what you love

Success comes from doing something you wholeheartedly love and finding people who love what you do. You get best at what you love and love what you are best in. If you take a job that you are not good at and others are much better at, you have a miserable work life. If you don’t know what you are good at, find it out. If you feel you can’t survive with what you are good at, understand that you have far fewer chances to survive with what you are not good at.

(4) Career

Your career is directly related to how you helped others to get to their full potential. People that reach their full potential are most satisfied, happy, and successful. As a company (the team of all teams) we are most successful if we do something that is most successful and has this wonderful sense for being helpful. The most important thing leaders can do is empower others. Those who do make a career.

(5) Speed is more important than perfection

Speed is a quality in itself. Speed means acting on something that is critical for success or an opportunity to win. Speed to act on something important is mostly the difference between market leadership and followers. Perfection, on the other hand, is what makes most businesses too slow, reduces agility, and as a result, loses business. Perfection is no quality. Perfection is a disadvantage. Taking speed at high quality without perfection is the art of creating success.

(6) Market leaders are defined by their followers

Nobody can be a leader if they don’t have any followers. The most valuable followers are competitors. Make sure you never get influenced by the competition – only by the market/customers. Don’t worry what competitors do, unless customers tell you what they prefer and why.

(7) The future is the only time we can influence

You cannot change the past. But we all have a direct influence on the future by envisioning that future and then making it a reality. Making mistakes is the result of tapping into unknown territory. Making no mistakes means you never reached your limits. In most enterprises, top-level executives are asked to take no risk and rather grow slower. That is the opportunity to disrupt them because they do not influence the future anymore..

(8) Value Creation

We exist to create value for our customers, by elevating the way they do things. Only slight changes or better pricing is not a value but an excuse for not delivering one. The best way to develop value is in concert with a team, including participating business partners and customers.

(9) The initial value of an idea is zero 

Whether this is an innovation or just a small improvement. The value is created when the idea – any idea – is verified by its beneficiaries and then realized in the best possible way. Never get too excited about an idea regardless of how brilliant it may be. Only relentless execution and exponential distribution create a real value.

(10) The next big thing was already created five years ago

Don’t ever hope you can make a real difference within a few weeks or months. Continuous and intelligently working in solving a real big problem, combined with relentless execution in collaboration with your early customers will create the next big thing. The idea is free the prototypes are peanuts – what really costs money is bringing it to market.

Future of Work

Future of work

With industrial and business administration automation rapidly evolving, humanity must rethink in two major ways:
1) We need fewer and fewer routine jobs and ever more creative contribution. Autonomous machines took over the production of virtually anything with the exception of tasks that can be performed cheaper by people who earn $2 per horse relative to machine and energy cost of a robot. Currently, more and more office jobs are replaced by machines and that will accelerate in the next 10 years. Good or bad? How exciting are routine jobs? How cool would it be to do something creative for the same amount of income? Innovation is such a rich field and our biggest hope to solve more and more of the millions of problems we have on earth. The biggest need is getting back our creativity and love to do what we do.

2) We need far more creative minds than we can currently imagine. Every child is by nature amazingly creative. But from about 6 years on and for the next 20 years we lose our creativity in exchange for focus and getting better and better at less and less things to become amazingly good at one thing. We get unknowingly and unwillingly trained to become humanoid robots. But how can we solve the massive over bureaucratization if we don’t have time to just think about all the millions of deficiencies in our gigantic organizations?

But where do we start? Every business on earth needs to at least start thinking about what would be a perfect world in the next 50 years. With that thought, we can start inspiring our teams to become more part of the overall business than part of a single process. Inspiring teams to think big – not careful. Asking the teams to help to find ways to rebuild the lost creativity instead of perfecting their routine. A highly profitable 50,000 employee company is so perfectly structured that they have on average more than 85% employee “utilization”. Those industrial marvels however cannot innovate because there is neither time nor the necessary creativity left.

In the next 10 years, the 400 Million businesses will need at least one person who thinks about innovation and 2 who think about how to implement and re-innovate over time. That are 1.2 Billion open-minded and creative people – just to innovate.  More than we can get and more than the jobs at risk through automation.

We at BlueCallom can do at least two things: 
1) Create a work environment that stimulates creativity and pushes every boring and routine job to a machine or computer.
2) Help create awareness and help other businesses to think more long-term and help unfold the human potential for ingenuity.

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© BlueCallom Corp. 2024