BlueCallom is officially a year old now. In the past three years, before we started, we learned so much from neuroscience that it turned our perspective of innovation upside down. In 2021 we hosted several Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable events and learned about how innovation is done in most enterprises today. We learned about the struggle to be more innovative and heard from many that the lack of innovation culture is a considerable challenge. Also, in 2021 we completed our first version of BlueCallom DEEP, our cloud-based neuro innovation management solution, and conducted our first Deep Innovation Design training. BlueCallom has released two critical white papers: “Innovation is a CEO Mandate” and “Innovation Master Plan.” Now it is time we look at the innovation outlook for 2022.

From randomness to strategic innovation

One of the biggest frustration for CEOs is the random experimentation with no results. The fact that all enterprises have the same challenge doesn’t set anybody apart. But that is the goal for several enterprises for 2022. Most innovation centers today end 2021 with several improvements but no genuine innovation. While almost all of today’s innovation methods help manage ideas to get to the prototype stage, non have reached the market. In a few cases, it did but died within a few months. It’s time to get strategic. There are 800 unicorns, bolstered with a billion $ or more, ready to disrupt whatever market they are looking at. One CEO asked, “Why did I never see a unicorn in the making? I saw hundreds of startups, but most didn’t make it.” An excellent question. We answered: “Because you saw only those who ran around from startup event to startup event, trying to raise capital.” A unicorn is far more strategic than most people think. They are relentless executors, have brilliant talents, and run faster than any other business. Many enterprise leaders have yet to learn what it takes to bring innovation successfully to the market. But there are several who just now do that – with a dedicated innovation development strategy.

From improvement to genuine innovation

Another early shift we saw for 2021 is that enterprises realize that improvement is not innovation. Improvement has been made for 200 years in every R&D center. Some enterprises have already learned the hard way: an R&D center is not an innovation space and cannot be just “tasked” to be done. Using improvement as a step-by-step path to innovation is like a sailor using a lake to prepare for circumnavigation. One major force to make a clear decision to engage in innovation is the CEO. Without a clear direction from the CEO, innovation cannot happen in any enterprise. That shift to genuine innovation bares the question, “Should that innovation center remains a department, be a business unit, or even a separate company?” The trend is already seen by companies like Kärcher who separated the innovation activities into a legally separate unit which is still owned by the mothership. There is a slew of advantages included above and beyond the risk mitigation. Those separate units don’t have to be integrated into the massive bureaucracy of the main enterprise, they may have different legal contract frameworks and more.

From Students to top-level teams with exceptional cognitive abilities

Another interesting trend comes actually from the innovation consultant space. Very often, students had been hired to innovate for a company. The task was simple, “find a great idea”. It has been that way for quite some time because innovation was associated with a brilliant idea. Only now do we understand that a brilliant idea is always coming from solving an existing or in the future envisioned problem. Today we know that a human is producing thousands of ideas every year. We are even drowning in ideas. Ideas are of no value. Solving a problem is a hard and complex task and the solution may be considered a brilliant idea. When Elon Mask hires people, he still focuses on people with exceptional abilities. When Amazon employs people, they spend more time on soft skills than hard skills. The search for people with exceptional cognitive abilities for the innovation job is on the run. Several software companies emerged from this trend, like Pymetrics, which exclusively focuses on a hiring process for those soft skills.

2022 Summary

In the past two corona years, businesses of all sizes learned to be far more agile or suffer enormously, if not pushed out of business. Innovation has shown its positive effect on some companies where it resulted in innovation efforts that brought even significant improvements to the market capitalization on the stock exchange. We see even a trend of amplification in innovation efforts as the past growth also encouraged investors and the capital market.

In 2022, we will see

  • More enterprises investing in intelligent and strategic innovation, away from random experimentation.
  • More explicit use of the term innovation by refraining from using “gradual innovation” as an excuse.
  • A big challenge is finding talents with innovation-related soft skills.
  • A surge in upskilling teams to gain innovative thinking and become more entrepreneurial.
  • Finally, by the end of 2022, we may see some significant innovations created by enterprises.

We, the BlueCallom team, wish you all a happy, healthy, and innovative 2022.




BlueCallom to change innovation landscape with AI, Genetic Computing, and Neuroscience

NOVEMBER 25, 2020 (Lucerne, CH) BlueCallom ™ today announces its official launch as a Neuro Innovation Management software company. The organization’s vision is to provide groundbreaking change to innovation effectiveness and innovation economics. According to a UNESCO report, the investment in R&D has grown to $1.7 Trillion, with further growth by 2030. BlueCallom pioneered a neuroscience-based solution, challenging conventional ways of innovation, including brainstorming, working with paper stickers, random experimentation, expert-dominated innovation, and R&D.

By applying knowledge from recent neuroscience discoveries, we transformed innovation into a highly effective, far less costly, and manageable process,” said Axel Schultze, Founder, and CEO at BlueCallom. “A new understanding of the neural process in our brain opened unexpected opportunities.” BlueCallom offers software to help global innovation teams identify innovation opportunities, collaborate, ideate, validate ideas, prepare for innovation financing, and bring their innovation into global markets. As a result, teams are more efficient and able to generate a return-on-investment faster than previously capable.

The company aims to solve three major innovation problems: 1) lack of disruptive innovation, by providing a Neuro Ideation method to achieve groundbreaking innovation within less than six weeks in 85% of all attempts; 2) the struggle innovation teams face to launch innovations in global markets, by providing a comprehensive innovation management solution with a unique innovation-to-market method; and 3) lack of manageability, by providing executives with a dashboard to track innovation projects in real-time.

BlueCallom’s software is currently in beta-test with several early adopter firms, including a pharmaceutical company, a technology company, and a university. The software is presently available for enterprises and governments and the company expects it to be available for mid-market businesses in 2021. For more information, please visit and find the company on social media @BlueCallom.
About BlueCallom AG
BlueCallom’s vision is to leverage neuroscience for a groundbreaking enterprise-grade innovation experience. The cloud-based Neuro Innovation Management software empowers innovation teams to create lasting value through a new innovation life cycle, involving opportunity exploration, collaboration, ideation, idea validation, financial reasoning, and global market entry. Executives get consolidated innovation progress data in real-time. BlueCallom’s Deep Innovation Design model allows for collaboration with selected customers and partners. Founded in 2020, the company is headquartered in Lucerne, Switzerland.
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Media Contact:
Cleo Dan | cleo@bluecallom com |

Remember our first webinars?

We talked about the concept of Deep Innovation Design in January this year. We made the analogy to athletes and how they went through an amazing transformation. In just 50 years amazing superstars!

Today we are ready to rock innovators, managing their minds, like others their bodies.

Today we have a very exciting introduction

Our software team made huge leaps with our Innovation Design Software. It’s the very first Neuro-Ideation-based software helping innovation managers to stimulate creativity like never before imaginable. “BlueCallom” is our enterprise-grade Innovation Management System with a very advanced executive dashboard.


BlueCallom EXPERIENCE 2020

Now EXPERIENCE yourself, together with innovation managers from around the world, what Deep Innovation Design and Neuro Ideation can do for you, when used in a methodical way and when supported by technology. A six-week program, where you experience an entire innovation process from “where to start” to groundbreaking innovation.

If you are up to an amazing experience, where you learn more about innovation and innovation management than in any program before, join the BlueCallom Experience. Of course, it’s all online.  See more details and registration


Please reach out to us any time if you have any questions or we want to know more.

Hoping to welcome you online at “BlueCallom Experience” on August 24.

The end of an exceptional project, and the beginning of a new journey, BlueCallom.

In 2015 we asked ourselves: “how can we help startups in our accelerator to create a disruptive business model?” The initial response was – impossible. Impossible was all my life a ‘wake word’ triggering my mind like no other word. With first successes and countless questions about how we came up with all our innovative ideas, in 2016 we began to seek answers that go beyond ‘thinking big’ and ‘out of the box’. Our quest, finding out how innovative and disruptive ideas are created in our minds, has been overwhelmingly successful. The beginning of a new journey, BlueCallom. The project “BlueCallom” took unexpected turns and eventually an unexpected finish for all of us. Not only did we find amazing insights and made surprising discoveries, our work even resulted in an all-new business opportunity. BlueCallom became a methodology and eventually a software solution (SaaS). We even consider renaming the company Society3 into BlueCallom. The origin of the name BlueCallom has been shared already in the previous post. I want to thank a few exceptional people who have been part of this journey in different capacities: Dr. Matthes Fleck (Prof. for entrepreneurship at the University for Arts and Science, Lucerne, Switzerland, Marita Schultze co-founder of Society3, George Parish VP Sales Society3 Silicon Valley, Huong BK Holdings, Vietnam, Tobias Gunzenhauser, Yamo, Switzerland, Sandipan, Sonect Switzerland, two global enterprises that I hope to be able to name any soon, and many others who encouraged and supported us on this journey.

A new beginning

After we have transferred all our startup support activities into our foundation “World Innovations Forum“, the Society3 Website became actually dormant and was used to report about our quest. This quest was so amazing and the findings so overwhelming that we gave the site a new name: BlueCallom. Now we are proceeding with the company by sharing what we learned and providing tools (software) to easily apply the learning. Society3 is on its way to re-launch and morphs into BlueCallom, the digital augmentation of our two brain halves with a digital brain extension.

An almost infinite journey

Please join us in this new way of understanding how our mind is composing ideas in general and innovation in particular. It may help us to not only better understand how to innovate. It may help us understand how we can leverage the single most powerful tool, homo sapiens has been given by nature, that will continue to set us far above any machine: Our ability to compose billions of experiences to more new ideas than stars in our universe.