The Innovative Enterprise

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UPSKILL your Innovation Techniques

Ideas get composed in your BRAIN
As your innovation develops you need FINANCE
Innovation value is created in the MARKET
Learn to manage the key aspects of innovation success

The Innovative Enterprise

An 18 page booklet with 12 secrets to make innovation successful.

Innovation needs a CEO mandate and a corporate strategy. Many people disagree, even if they never created any breakthrough innovation. Those who did would fully agree. Moreover, innovation is full of counterintuitive tactics and that makes innovation inside enterprises so extremely difficult.

You are probably here on this page to get the second booklet with an additional 12 secrets. Just complete the form on the right sidebar and we will send you the PDF version of the second booklet as soon as it is finished.

More secrets making Innovation successful

Look for the 2nd booklet with 12 more innovation specific secrets:

2.1) Get your arms around neuro ideation
The way ideas get composed from the ground up
2.2) Assemble your innovation dream team ***
Select your top team from within the company first
2.3) Incubate, hatch and separate
Make a conscious decision on how to structure your effort
2.4) Select your particular innovation audience ***
Look for agile leaders and early adopters
2.5) Make sure your idea gets copied by others ***
You need followers to become a leader
2.6) Failing is not an option ***
Be determined to solve your problem
2.7) Apply the concept of Innovation Diffusion
Market dynamics and why it takes longer
2.8) Keep Innovation Continuum as a strategy
Start thinking about disrupting yourself in 5 years
2.9) Leverage the innovation Equation G=IE²  ***
The value of the initial idea is exactly zero
2.10) No more innovation playground and random experimentation ***
Bust your la-la-land environment and make the impossible a reality
2.11) The future of Innovation
Augmented ingenuity and removed administration
2.12) Conduct an innovation Readiness Check
Find out where you are today

*** Highly counterintuitive suggestions.


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